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A photo at an ¼ϲ Board of Regents meeting

¼ϲ thanks regents Manson and Rees for their service to ¼ϲ

The ¼ϲ Board of Regents paid tribute this week to two champions of public higher education - Regent Lyndel Manson and Student Regent Katelyn Rees who are completing their terms on the board.

Former ¼ϲ Governor Doug Ducey appointed both women to the board – Regent Manson in 2016 and Regent Rees in 2022.

During her time on the board, Regent Manson served two terms as chair, ushering in new general education curriculum standards. She was a steadfast leader regarding the need to differentiate ¼ϲ’s three public universities and advocated for ¼ϲ’s first statewide financial aid program.

“Regent Manson has had a deep and lasting impact on ¼ϲ’s public universities,” said ¼ϲ Interim Executive Director Chad Sampson. “Our university enterprise is stronger because of her service, and I am grateful for her leadership and friendship during the past eight years.”

Regent Manson co-chaired the Northern ¼ϲ University Presidential Search Committee that ultimately named President José Luis Cruz Rivera to the position. Under her leadership, the board ushered in increased tuition predictability for students by setting growth rates over six years, rather than on an annual basis.

Designed to measure university progress, Regent Manson was integral in the board’s implementation of new metrics and forecast measures. The suite of metrics provides insight into the academic, operational and financial health of ¼ϲ’s public universities.

“It's been wonderful working with Regent Manson. She has an incisiveness that is matched with vision, and not many people have both,” said Regent Larry Penley. “Regent Manson led with the perspective of a chief executive officer, the operational intensity of an engineer and the visionary capacity of a great leader. ¼ϲ’s public universities are better to have had Lyndel as a regent.”

Regent Rees was a stand-out undergraduate student at the University of ¼ϲ while serving two years on the board. She played a critical role as a voice for students on the board, spending the last year of her term as assistant treasurer. During her tenure, she had the opportunity to emcee the U of A Fuel Wonder Campaign Launch, serve as a Regents’ Cup judge and address her fellow graduates on behalf of ¼ϲ at the university’s 2024 commencement.

Rees graduated this spring summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in computer science from U of A’s W. A. Franke Honors College.

“Regent Rees has been an excellent mentor and a wonderful friend,” said Student Regent David Zaragoza, who has served with Rees on the board for the past year. “Our shared backgrounds have made it easy to communicate with fellow students about the board and its priorities. I wish her the best as she finishes her term as regent and begins her career.”

Flagstaff resident and former Coconino County Supervisor Liz Archuleta replaced Regent Manson this week and Jadyn Fisher, a sophomore at NAU, will become the new student regent on July 1.