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¼ϲ Committee Meetings: Agenda items include universities’ financial status discussion; online metrics; Fall Enrollment Report

WHAT: ¼ϲ Board of Regents meetings of the ,  and 

WHEN: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Nov. 4, 2021

9 – 11 a.m.,  (Executive session scheduled from 10:05 – 11 a.m. Executive sessions are closed to the public.)

Agenda items include:

  • Auditor General correspondence review
  • Internal Audit Review Board chairs and chief audit executives’ reports
  • Enterprise Risk Management Report – University of ¼ϲ

11 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.,  (Executive session scheduled from 11:05 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.  Executive sessions are closed to the public.)

Agenda items include:

  • Fiscal year 2022 financial status report discussion – fall update for ¼ϲ State University, Northern ¼ϲ University and the University of ¼ϲ
  • Review of Sale of Property at 659 E. Lincoln St., Phoenix, AZ, Including Waiver of ¼ϲ Policies Requiring Public Auction and Appraisal (ASU)

2 – 5 p.m., 

Agenda items include:

  • Update on general education program framework for ASU
  • Online metric targets for ¼ϲ’s public universities review
  • Fall 2021 Enrollment Report review

WHERE:  ASU Memorial Union Turquoise Room, 301 E. Orange Street, Tempe, AZ 85281

COVID-19 PROTOCOLS: Members of the public may attend in-person. ASU COVID-19 protocols strongly recommend that everyone on campus wear a face cover when inside a university building. Face coverings are required in certain indoor settings where physical distancing may not be possible including meeting rooms.

CONNECT: Instructions to view the livestream of the meetings and technical support are available at ¼ϲ Live.

PLEASE NOTE: This agenda may be amended at any time prior to 24 hours before the committee meeting. Estimated starting times for the agenda items are indicated; however, discussions may commence, or action may be taken, before or after the suggested times. Any item on the agenda may be considered at any time out of order at the discretion of the committee chair. The committee may discuss, consider, or take action regarding any item on the agenda. During the meeting, the committee may convene in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) for legal advice regarding any item on the agenda.



Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 | Sarah.K.Harper@azregents.edu