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Over the course of 2022, the AIA hosted a series of campus visits that served to bring together leadership from across the tri-university to showcase promising innovations, strategies, and programs leading to improved student success outcomes. Each visit included a collection of presentations, program and facility tours, as well as networking events. The campus visits served as a primary venue to identify collective areas of focus for the establishment of tailored working groups and learning studios.

  • ASU
    • Focus: Leveraging predictive analytics, adaptive courseware, and technology-enhanced advising practices for student access, persistence and retention.
  • NAU
    • Focus: Innovating for NAU 2025: Elevating Excellence.
  • U¼ϲ
    • Focus: U¼ϲ Student Success District Innovating, Transforming and Empowering Success.

ASU Internal Landscape analysis: Student Support Services

Sparked by AIA’s U¼ϲ campus visit, AIA is supporting an internal landscape analysis of ASU student support services, spaces and locations across ASU’s four campuses in metropolitan Phoenix. The analysis includes a review of all student support service offerings, locations and space size, as well as staffing. The assessment will be leveraged to evolve planning for future student spaces and determine opportunities for shared learning with U¼ϲ’s Student Success District leadership team.

ASU-NAU Knowledge Exchange Visit

  • ASU hosted leadership from NAU for a full-day knowledge exchange visit on supporting students who are at-risk/on academic probation.
  • The visit covered the following topics:
    • Enhancing use and access to academic resources for students at-risk or on academic probation.
    • Current and future course frameworks: ASU and NAU academic probation courses.
    • Communications practices for at-risk students and/or on academic probation.
    • Advising practices for at-risk students and/or on academic probation.
  • NAU Design Sprint: Academic Probation
    • Following NAU’s visit to ASU, AIA supported the coordination of a two-day NAU leadership design sprint focused on reimagining support and services for students on academic probation.

NAU Student Affairs Team Visit to U¼ϲ Student Success District

  • U¼ϲ hosted a visit from NAU’s Student Affairs team to gain a deeper understanding of the coordination and operational models that led to the launch of U¼ϲ’s Student Success District (SSD).
  • The purpose of the visit was to investigate practices supportive of the development of similar services at NAU. AIA provided guidance and coordination assistance to U¼ϲ Libraries and Student Success and Retention Innovation (SSRI) teams. The NAU student affairs team toured UA’s SSD area facilities. The visit concluded with a host of one-on-one meetings with area counterparts.